Depending on your ticket price and travel type, you can enjoy a range of services and conveniences. They vary according to the level of travel you prefer. Iberia offers its passengers five different travel classes, and has a set of excellent services in all five classes. Therefore, before you book a ticket, please check all the facilities on the website in order to enter a specific class of travel.
Travelers will enjoy Economy Class, basics for charging their phones and laptops, 9 -inch personal space for fun, two parties, internet connection and Ronda magazines.
Travelers attending the Premium Economy Class will enjoy spacious seating areas, seating up to 120 degrees, a wide range of Spanish food, Magazines, free Wi-Fi and unlimited amenities zero.
Residents traveling to the Business Center will enjoy a free seat next to their secure seating, large glassware, previews, and I-Pad features to enjoy music, movies, and filming in VIP rooms.
Visitors traveling to the Business Club will enjoy spacious and comfortable seating, pre-flight check-in at the airport, personalized I-Pads for fun, food, access to VIP rooms and the headrest is adjustable.
Business Plus travelers will enjoy comfortable seating up to 180 degrees, private rooms, free Wi-Fi, GSM Facilities, multiple video conferencing, and large cupboards.
Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose the itinerary for you and can make iberia airlines reservations. If you are looking for flying ticks then you are at the right place.