Vastu shastra is the ancient science of architecture. Even today people are loving it to apply for their house and office buildings. When you are applying Vastu principles it won't be the same for everyone even for every room. Every part of your house needs to be accurate with Vastu plans. So it is like a complete modification of your house and office. Like if you want only positive energies to flow within your home then you need to check your Vastu for home entrance. Here Vastu includes nature with man and material. So the Vastu for home entrance includes its face should be north, northeast or west. If your house is already facing south, then place a pyramid, helix or Swastik. The door should open inwards. Like this there many things you should include within your Vastu principles for the entrance. When you want a Vastu for bedroom then you should not place heavy objects like cupboards and almirahs in the south, south-west or west direction. Place your wardrobes in the northwest direction. It will flow positive energies. Never put mirrors on the doors of a wardrobe as it may reflect negativity. If it is already there then make sure it won't reflect the bed. So like these, there are many things you can include in your bedroom to correct your Vastu. If you are not finding an expert to get the best Vastu advice then click here on Get the best Vastu principles for each segment of your home and office with renowned Vastu experts of India.